Saturday 4 June 2016

Bala Mukunda Lila:

Bala Mukunda ki jai..heart emoticon

"Why do the best of the sages reject even heavenly nectar
and instead drink the water from My lotus feet?"
Thinking in this way, Bala-Mukunda eagerly sucks His own lotus foot.

Checking For Himself The Sweetness of His Own Toe,
Wondering What Makes People Drink the Water Touched by It
(The Lord and His Maya)

Leela Sukha (Bilvamangala Thakur) in one of his Krishna Karnamritha slokas 2.57 describes the baby (Bala-Mukunda) that floats on the pralaya waters on top of a banyan leaf after swallowing the universe and its contents for their protection:

kararavindhena padharavindam 
mukharavindhe vinivesayantham
vatasya patrasya pute shayanam 
balam-mukundam manasa smarami

(Translation) With His soft lotus hands, our baby Mukunda has grabbed His lotus like toe and placed it in His lotus mouth, decorated with red lips, and sucks on it in amusement as He rests on the tender shoot of a Pupil leaf contemplating on the next cycle of creation.

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