Wednesday 18 May 2016

How All the Residents of Varanasi became Vaishnavas..

"sarva-sastra khaṇḍi' prabhu bhakti kare sara
sayuktika vakye mana phiraya sabara

The speciality of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was that

 He used to put very sound arguments, and He used to defeat His opponents in such a way that they were satisfied. They were not inimical. And with the evidence of sastra. Not that argumentum vaculum. He was putting reasonable arguments and evidences from sastra, scripture. Sarva-sastra khaṇḍi' prabhu bhakti kare sara. And the beauty was that He was defeating all other arguments against devotional service. He was establishing only that God is great, and we are meant for serving Him. On this basis He was arguing and He was defeating others.

upadesa laña kare krṣṇa-saṅkirtana
sarva-loka hase, gaya, karaye nartana

And the whole city became surcharged with Krṣṇa kirtana. Everyone began to dance and sing Hare Krṣṇa, Hare Krṣṇa, Krṣṇa Krṣṇa, Hare Hare. They may understand or not understand, but the infection was there that everyone was chanting.

prabhure praṇata haila sannyasira gaṇa
atma-madhye goṣṭhi kare chaḍi' adhyayana

Now, so far the sannyasis were concerned, they practically gave up their so-called Vedanta study, and they simply began to discuss on the sublime presentation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and they were enjoying that."

- (LCC 2.25.19p, Madhya, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad)

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