Thursday 12 May 2016

The Glories of the Holy Name

One day Krishnadasa broke his long silence and asked Lord Chaitanya a question in Kasi Misra's house. "If you will kindly permit me to ask, then please tell me about the unlimited and wonderful glories of the holy name, about which even Lord Siva and Lord Brahma are unacquainted."

Lord Chaitanya replied, "The excellences of the holy name are like an ever-expanding shoreless ocean. Even Lord Krishna Himself does not know the limits of It, what to speak of ordinary mortals. I will simply repeat what is written in the scriptures. If you listen with proper faith, you can be delivered from this distressful material world.

"The holy name is capable of dissolving sins and removing impediments. The name embalms sufferings and diminishes the detriments that are so characteristic of Kali-yuga. It redeems the unredeemable residents of hellish planets and nullifies the inevitable sinful reactions carried over from previous births. The holy name purifies offenses and is the quintessence of all transcendental activities, shining more brilliantly than the Vedas.

The scriptures declare that chanting is the highest spiritual activity, higher than making pilgrimages to the holiest of places. The holy name is omnipotent and benedicts the chanter with unimaginable good fortune— Its very nature is that It elevates one to experience divine bliss.

A chanter is no ordinary person, for he becomes worthy of the entire world's praise. The holy name is the only means of salvation for the fallen conditioned souls, and It is always worshippable for It offers the much desired liberation, exalts one to the supreme spiritual abode and blesses the chanter with transcendental love of Godhead, Shri Hari. The sruti and smrti contain countless proofs of the holy name's sublime position. It is the supreme destination of all spiritual aspirations and the mainstream of the current of bhakti devotional service.
- (Prema Vivarta, Chapter 20)

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