Tuesday 10 May 2016

Nature of the kingdom of God

What is the nature of the kingdom of God?

"And what is the nature of the kingdom of God? It is described in the Bhagavad-gītā (15.6) as follows: “That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world.”

Although every place in the creation is within the kingdom of God because the Lord is the supreme proprietor of all planets, there is still the Lord’s personal abode, which is completely different from the universe in which we are now living. And this abode is called paramam, or the supreme abode. Even on this earth there are countries where the standard of living is high and countries where the standard of living is low. Besides this earth, there are innumerable other planets distributed all over the universe, and some are considered superior places and some inferior places. In any case, all planets within the jurisdiction of the external energy, material nature, require the rays of a sun or the light of fire for their existence, because the material universe is a region of darkness. Beyond this region, however, is a spiritual realm, which is described as functioning under the superior nature of God. That realm is described in the Upaniṣads thus: “There is no need of sun, moon, or stars, nor is that abode illumined by electricity or any form of fire. All these material universes are illumined by a reflection of that spiritual light, and because that superior nature is always self-luminous, we can experience a glow of light even in the densest darkness of night.” In the Hari-vaṁśa the spiritual nature is explained by the Supreme Lord Himself as follows: “The glaring effulgence of the impersonal Brahman [the impersonal Absolute] illuminates all existences, both material and spiritual. But, O Bhārata, you must understand that this Brahman illumination is the effulgence of My body.” In the Brahma-saṁhitā this conclusion is also confirmed. We should not think that we can attain that abode by any material means such as spaceships, but we should know for certain that one who can attain that spiritual abode of Krishna can enjoy eternal, spiritual bliss without interruption." "

- (SSR1, 1977, Learning the Science of the Self, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad)

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